Saturday, December 25, 2010
Use Job Alerts
Tired of endlessly going back to the same job boards or company websites? Most allow you to set up job alerts using criteria you set. What does this mean? When a job that matches your criteria is open these alerts will notify you by email. This is easy, convenient and keeps you from the boredom of constantly checking certain websites.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Get Your Resume in Front of the Hiring Manager
Seek out the hiring manager for the position you are applying for. With so many people applying for the same job most resumes are overlooked. Instead of sending off your resume blindly see if you can find out who the hiring manager is through people you know at that company, through LinkedIn or basic networking. This will help your resume get to the top of that pile and to the eyes of that important hiring manager. This will give you a huge advantage. This is easier said than done but if you can find a way to do it, it will pay off.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Riley Guide - Free Career and Employment Information
Check out the Riley Guide. This site provides a wealth of free career and employment information. They have resources including how to search for a job, resumes and cover letters, networking, salary guides and much more. Take some time and look around this website.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Job Keyword Trends
Times and jobs are always changing but current trends point towards social marketing and technology., a search engine that pulls job listings from thousands of places recently listed the ten most frequent keywords found in these job listings. Here is what they found below in no particular order.
-Social media
-Cloud computing
-Certified nurse assistant
-Patient care technician
Try your own keyword searches while job hunting and compare the number of jobs that show up for each keyword. Follow the trends, add keywords to your resume and show that your up to date with technology. Remember don't lie here if you don't have certain experience.
-Social media
-Cloud computing
-Certified nurse assistant
-Patient care technician
Try your own keyword searches while job hunting and compare the number of jobs that show up for each keyword. Follow the trends, add keywords to your resume and show that your up to date with technology. Remember don't lie here if you don't have certain experience.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Keep Your Resume up to Date
Keep your resume up to date even if your not searching for a job. You never know when you may need to provide your resume and this is something you don't want to rush so be prepared ahead of time. A resume tells a potential employer your qualifications and sells you to the employer. An up to date resume not only has you prepared ahead of time it will also be fresh in your memory during interviews.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
10 Things Smart Job Seekers Do
Found another insightful article on things smart job seekers do. Check out this article here. Feel free to share if anyone has any to add or found some of the tips to be useful.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Ten Ways to Use LinkedIn to Find a Job
Found an interesting article about ways to use LinkedIn to find a job. LinkedIn is a great networking website which we have featured before. Check out this article here to learn more.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Join Industry Related Groups
Join groups related to your industry and attend their meetings. These associations can be added to your resume, you can learn new things and be up to date in your industry and most importantly you will be networking. Networking is the key here for finding possible job opportunities.
Friday, October 29, 2010
References are Important
When you fill out a job application most likely they will ask for a few references. Be sure to have the names and contact information of three or more reliable and honest references. Try to include references that are professional, in your field and have a good background on you. Do not just pick friends that will sugar coat or lie for you. Many recruiters and interviewers will follow up and call a couple of your references so they could make or break your chances of landing that dream job so put some thought into who you choose. I would also suggest reaching out to your chosen references ahead of time so that they are not caught off guard when a recruiter comes calling. Make sure they are ok with being a reference and let them know what kind of jobs you are seeking.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Tough Interview Questions
Some interviewers may ask weird, tough or off the wall interview questions. Usually they are looking to see how you handle issues, pressure, your creativity and how your mind thinks. There really is no way to prepare for those unexpected questions other than to be relaxed, be honest and don't over think it. Here is an article focusing on this issue at
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Check Temp Agencies
Temporary agencies are always looking for new people and work with many companies. Although the pay is not always as high and you may have short assignments it still can be a useful resource. Working as a temp at a company you get a chance to network, possibly get hired as a permanent employee and will make some money while your working on your job search.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Never Burn Bridges
Never burn bridges when you leave a company. You never know what opportunities may pop up at your old employer. You might end up networking with a former co-worker or see a job listing at your old company but if you burnt any bridges when you first left then those opportunities are now closed to you. So whether you were laid off or resigned remember to restrain from bad mouthing the company, co-worker or anything involved with that company for that matter.
Friday, October 1, 2010
44 Resume Writing Tips
Your resume is your starting point and you need to sell yourself. Here are 44 tips for writing your resume.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
7 Tips to Make Your Job Search Successful
Check out 7 tips to make your job search successful. Although most are basic tips it is something to revisit. Stay positive!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
101 Ways to Find a Job
Found a good list containing 101 ways to find a job. This should give you some good ideas for things you may not have tried already. Check out 101 ways to find a job.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Dress to Impress for Interviews
So you got yourself an interview in the corporate world. What now? Dress to impress! Even if you heard employees dress business casual you still want to be dressed in full business attire for your interview. Always dress above your interviewers. This shows your interviewers that you're a professional and an equal. So go get that dusty suit out, iron your shirt and impress the hell out of your interviewers.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Use Job Related Keywords in Your Resume
Depending what the job and requirements are make sure your resume includes keywords that match that job. If a job posting lists analysis experience and you have that make sure you include that word for example. Some companies have software that reads resumes and if you don't have relevant keywords your resume most likely will get passed by. Read those job postings carefully and make sure to include the important keywords in your resume but don't over stuff it with these words.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Check out to find local jobs by job type, position and keywords for a city near you.
Friday, August 20, 2010
How to Find a Job in Today's Economy
Found an article highlighting ten key points in finding a job in today's economy, many of which we have mentioned before. Check it out here.
Friday, August 13, 2010
If your not in need of the big bucks or maybe need a summer gig check out internships at major corporations. Internships give you a great opportunity to network, get experience in your field of choice and may lead to a full-time paid job.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Use Twitter to find a Job
I have used Twitter for a few months but never thought about using it to find a job. Check out this article for tips in utilizing Twitter in your job search
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Professional resume writing – if your resume doesn’t get results, let us improve it! Certified resume writers are ready to help you now! is a top resume and cover letter writer. They offer several services as well as interview guarantee.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Top 10 Online Job Search Tips
Here is a list from Careerbuilder highlighting there top ten online job search tips. Read the full list here.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010 Job Search job search is another good resource for job searches. This website includes job listings, resumes, cover letters, career resources, job search advice, job search networking and many other references.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
I found a relatively new job search website called Search for jobs by keywords, job title and location. Check it out for something new. Every possibility helps in your job search.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Resume Writing - 10 Tips to Bullet Proof Your Resume
I found a short article featuring ten excellent resume writing tips at
Sunday, June 20, 2010
If your open to relocating for a new job you most definitely will open new doors. Some places have more opportunities than others. Some cities might have certain industries or companies in your expertise. This isn't for everyone but for those able to easily pick up and move it can certainly help in your job search by being flexible. If you relocate for a job be sure to ask the employer if they offer relocation incentives such as moving costs or temporary housing.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Proof Read and Spell Check Your Resume!!
Before you post you resume to a job board or submit it directly to a job posting make sure to proof read it and spell check it. Hiring managers frown upon misspellings and bad grammar. This is very important to do otherwise your resume might be passed up. Proof read and spell check your resume!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Research the Company Before you Interview
If you land that important interview do some research on the company before you go. Learn what the company does and some basic facts. Bring a printout with you and throw in a fact or two while answering interview questions. This will show your interest in the company and impress the interviewer. Knowledge is power!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Find a New Job with the Career Network - Click here to start now! offers free job searching, resume posting, job alerts, personal portfolio, career evaluation and industry magazines.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Business Cards
If you are farther along in your career and do quite a lot of in person networking then business cards can always be an additional bonus. Business cards have your information for people to contact you and keep your name in people's heads. There are countless services online that offer free or very cheap business cards that you can design yourself to stand out from others. Make your name stand out and get some business cards.
Friday, May 21, 2010 is one of the top job search websites around. You can search for jobs by location, keywords and job categories. Post your resume for free and set up automatic job alerts when something matches. This website also has tools for career resources, education center, career fairs, salary calculator, career tests and skills training.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Do Something You Love
If possible find a job in a field you love. If your happy doing what you love it won't be like a job. If you love sports look for a job at a sports team or if you love stocks seek out financial firms. If your money or time is restrained this can be tough but if your lucky you will find your dream job. Keep your resume ready for that dream opportunity and you may never have to look for a job again.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Send Thank You Notes
If you just went on a successful interview make sure to get each interviewers name and email or physical mailing address. Send a brief thank you to each person thanking them for taking the time to meet and consider you as a candidate. Include your contact information for further questions or follow up as well. Not everyone does this simple follow up to interviews. These thank you notes can impress the interviewers and most importantly keep your name fresh in their memories.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010 is a job search website for financial industry professionals. This site is completely free for job seekers and job advertisers. The search function allows you to search by state. Not the most comprehensive site or search options but still a good niche related job search site for financial professionals. You can email your resume to them to be included in their job seeker database they are currently creating.
Sunday, May 2, 2010 is as simple a job search engine that you will find. Completely free and no registration needed. Although just launched last year they have a great list of jobs searchable by cities, towns, counties, states, job categories, job title, keywords and companies.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Yahoo HotJobs
Another good job board is Yahoo Hotjobs. Sign up for a free account or if you have a yahoo email address just sign it with that. Search for jobs, set up job alerts and use career tools such as resume writing, career development and interview preparation among many others.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Browse jobs by Category, Industry, Location or Employer on
Not everyone is searching for permanent or career type jobs. For people looking for hourly, part-time, seasonal or even jobs for teens check out Create a free profile and start looking for jobs now.
Friday, April 16, 2010
The Job Search Solution
There are thousands of books related to your job search but one of the more insightful books is The Job Search Solution: The Ultimate System for Finding a Great Job Now by Tony Beshara. Beshara has a wealth of knowledge in this field as he is one of the most successful recruiters around. He doesn't just give you the common sense job search tips that most people do. He challenges you, guides you and gives you the inside information a job seeker needs. This book has been featured on Dr. Phil and has top rated reviews from other readers such as you. Pick it up at your local bookstore or better yet the library. If you have your own review of this book please add your thoughts to this post for others.
Monday, April 12, 2010
LinkedIn is a great networking website all professionals working or not should join. You can connect with past and present colleagues and friends. Here you make a profile of your professional career and network through your contacts. Search through your contacts to see if any of them have contacts you may or may not know in your fields or even at certain companies. This can be a great way to find the correct hiring managers or other recruiters of interest. Recommendations can also be written about members. You can find jobs and groups here as well. It is free to join and a great networking resource. They do offer a premium upgrade for $29.95 per month but the free resources are not to be passed up.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Project Work
If you have a specialization look for project work in your field. Projects can be short or long term and often pay more than a full-time gig. Successfully completed projects may lead to more projects or even full time work. This can be a great place to network. You can meet people at these companies who may put in a good word for you or use your services again. Keep in contact with these people and see where it leads.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Volunteer work can benefit in you in many ways. Volunteer work can fill gaps in your resume. There may be a small chance it could lead to a paid position within an organization. It can be a great place to network with others like you. It keeps you busy, positive and helps others. Put in whatever time you have available and reap the rewards. You may be surprised.
Sunday, April 4, 2010 is a unique job search tool. This website is more for job research. They allow you to search salaries, company reviews, interview process and job openings by company and location. The postings come from current and former employees of these companies. This can give you great insight into a company before you interview, receive a job offer or accept a job offer. Registration is free but in return you have to post a salary or review of your current or a former employer which can be anonymous.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
eBay Classifieds
Today I was checking on an item I had for sale on eBay and noticed a link to eBay Classifieds which I didn't even know existed. I guess it evolved from a website known as Kijiji that eBay recently took control of. I believe the new eBay classifieds was launched two days ago. It is searchable by city and has a section for job postings. I never thought I'd be able to look for jobs at eBay but now you can. Another unknown job resource uncovered today at eBay.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Refresh Your Resume on Major Job Boards
Keeping your resume updated is always important but I also have an easy and quick trick for job hunters. If your resume is posted on major job boards such as Monster, Careerbuilder, Hotjobs or others you can really benefit from one simple change. The longer you resume stays unchanged on these websites the farther down the search list it falls. Update your resume by changing one or two words and reload it on these websites. This will bring your resume back to the top of the search options for job recruiters.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Learn New Skills
Potential employers may ask what you have been doing since your last job. One thing to capitalize on is learning new skills. You could go back to school. You could take computer classes. You could learn a new language. Get a certification within your field of work. Get a certification in a new field or work. The possibilities here are endless. The point is that if you have the time and sometimes the money learning a new skill will keep you busy, keep you connected for opportunities and possibly land you a new job.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Your Local Library
Your local library can be of great assistance in finding jobs or books to use as reference. Use their computers to access the internet to search for jobs and job resources. Check out books about resume writing, cover letters, interviewing and more. What better place to have some quiet focused time searching for jobs or other job related resources. The best part is that all of this is free so take advantage of your valuable time there.
Monday, March 22, 2010
College Career Centers
Most colleges will have some sort of career center. Whether you're a current student, former student or alumni this can be a great resource for finding jobs. They often provide career guidance, resume critiques, job interviewing practice, job fairs and contacts to local recruiters. If you're spending all that money to further your education why not use all the resources they provide including career help.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Resumes For Dummies
The Dummies lines of books are always great resources for all skill levels and this book about resumes is no different. This book highlights topics such as why most generic online resumes fail, new quick ways to find the right jobs, the resume basics to knock 'em dead, what to do after you send them your resume, resume examples in all fields and skill levels and countless other resources. I would highly recommend this book for any job seeker.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The Power of Facebook
Facebook has now passed Google as the most popular website in the U.S. Facebook overtakes Google was an article that opened my eyes to the power of social networking websites. If you're open to looking for a job on Facebook it can be a powerful tool. You can network with your friend list, become a fan of a recruiting company or even search for groups and pages specializing in jobs. A word to the wise to you job seekers. If you are looking for a job I would keep your profile confidential except to your friend list and at the very least get rid of any inappropriate pictures or text as recruiters or human resources may pass on you if they find anything offensive about you.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Sunday Newspaper Classifieds
Most local, regional and national newspapers feature their classified ads on Sundays. These ads usually have an employment section. Go pick up your copy now as most are free or relatively cheap. Do remember though that with high circulation there will be greater competition so act on these ads quick. With many newspapers going out of business or online and many jobs disappearing there may not be as many listings but every possible avenue should be explored.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Craigslist is known to most as a place to buy and sell things. Look again as they have a job section. Many local businesses and companies post their job openings here. For those looking for a job it is completely free and can be a good resource to find local jobs. For those looking to fill job openings it does cost $25 for each category you choose for a 30 day ad.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
With so many currently unemployed and many others dissatisfied with their current jobs I thought I would create a blog to help people find jobs. I hope this will evolve into an interactive blog with every reader that has a comment, opinion or suggestion to go ahead and post it.
I look to seek out job resources such as job boards, classifieds, forums, books, resume tools and more.
I look to seek out job resources such as job boards, classifieds, forums, books, resume tools and more.
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